Sunday, March 7, 2010

Parish Involvement

Okay, our parish involvement starts today! I brought rags to clean the big church chairs. I had fun while doing the job. I guess it's because I'm in the holy house of God. I felt proud, I think. I was assigned to dusting off the gigantic saint images. I had to use a ladder to reach its ears and eyes. It was worth it. :)

I brought our dSLR coz the original plan is to make a voting advocacy video. But we changed plans so we won't get seperated. While sweeping the floor I found a box. Inside are 5 kittens sleeping. They're so adorable, I want to take one home but I thought of the mother cat's face when she finds out one kitten is missing. So we just watched and adore the lil kittens. I forgot to take a picture though.I might get scolded for using the dSLR on working hours. X(

We've finished wiping the chairs around 4pm so took a break near the Kampanaryo. At last, I got a chance to shoot the Kamparyo. When I used my dSLR, I felt awkward auras. I think my friends think I'm showing off the camera. Goodness no! I brought it because I thought we're working on a movie. After taking a picture of the Kampanaryo, I quickly put our Sony H10 in its bag just to break the awkward silence. :|

After that, we went to Paotsin to eat our favorite wantons! So yummy! :D

Here's the Kampanryo picture. *u*

That's all for today. :)